Polls and Software Suggestions  

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BookTrakker is always interested in improving our software through adding new features or by improving existing ones. 

The best source for new features or improvements comes from those who use the software and have hard-won experience in selling books.

We are very lucky to have a mix of experienced booksellers who are willing to share years of accumulated knowledge 
as well as new users who contribute a fresh vision.  Both help keep the software dynamic and under constant improvement.  

By contributing your suggestions for new features or improvements on existing ones you will help us and help 

These are already scheduled: 

   Automatic uploading of images to all services that  accept them, including a user's hosting site-Free
   Site specific uploads -  Free
   Order Management 
   eBay App 
   Images in Catalogs
   Hit Lists in Wants, Contacts and Orders

yourself with better work tools.  Win-win situations can benefit us all.  

If you cannot think of any features but just feel something is missing, send it on in. Brainstorming goes a long way and all your suggestions will be given consideration.

Later we will publish Polls on this site giving you a chance to vote on selected contributed suggestions and help prioritize work projects.

Click button then select New Features in the Help Topic drop-down list. Enter info and comments. .  

Another method is to click the bright green "BookTrakker Support Center" button on the APP Manager Dashboard inside the BookTrakker program, which will also takes you to the  OS Ticket system where we can keep track of all suggestions. 


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Copyright © 1998-2016 BookTrakker.com.   All company and product names may be Trademarks of their respective owners. 
Last Modified:  March 31, 2013