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Hit Lists

Related ::  Read more information and see step-by-step images for creating and working with Hit Lists:

On the main menu bar in the BookTrakker program, click Help, then Contents to open the BookTrakker Pro Help System.  The link to Hit Lists appears at the top of the 3rd column under Help Topics of Interest. Click "Creating a New Hit List" just above the image to get started on creating your own Hit Lists.

When you click Help at the top you will get a message from Microsoft telling you to to go to their site and download the WinHlp.32.exe for your particular version of Windows. Follow the online instructions to do so.  

 1. A Hit List (aka Special list or Action List) is used to create a subset of records. You may want a subset of records to change a group of records all at once, to create a catalog, or garner some information about a group of records. For example, you would create a hit list to increase the price on a specific set of records, find all of the books that you have classified as Sci-Fi genre and create a catalog to send to a customer, or find all of the books that were input into the database since the beginning of the year. Contributed by Sandi (
 2. create a hit list  
 3. create a hit list of records set for "Upload"
 4. create a hit list of SOLD books, then set them for UPLOAD
 5. create a hit list of AVAILABLE books and set for UPLOAD
 6. create a hit list of AVAILABLE or NOT AVAILABLE records set for "List Online"   
 7. managing CATEGORY HIT LISTS or creating category hit lists from topic 
 8. Upload Records above a set price using Hit List  
 9. Uncheck International/Expedite for Available records on Amazon
10. Create a Hit List of all Available books, set them to Upload, then create Upload file for Purge/Replace.

11. Creating Image URLs in the ImgURL field on the Optional Tab Using Hit Lists

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Last Modified:  February 18, 2016