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Columns ::  Add, delete or rearrange columns that appear in List View

Make these changes 
in Column Manager

Make these changes 
in List View

add  or delete columns
insert a column
rearrange columns
rearrange columns
To open the Column Manager
In the top menu bar in BookTrakker, click Layouts to open a
drop-down pick list.  Select Column Manager in the list.
List Column Manager
This is a screen shot of the List Column Manager, which is 
used to add, delete or rearrange field columns in your List View.

Click image to enlarge, then click Back on your computer to close larger image.

31_LISTview700.jpg (101626 bytes)
List View
add, remove, or 
easily rearrange columns

31_LISTviewchanged700.jpg (95666 bytes)
List View
an example
of rearranged columns

add columns to List View using Column Manager

Using your cursor, click and highlight a column field name 
in the left column then click the button with ">" to add that 
column to Grid Columns on the right.

delete columns in List View using Column Manager

Using your cursor, click / highlight a column field in the 
Grid Columns on the right and click the "<" button. This 
procedure removes the column from List View and parks 
it in the list of unused columns until you want to use it.

rearrange your columns using Column Manager

Using your cursor, click and drag a column field name in 
the list to change column order in Grid Columns. If you 
change your mind click and drag it to its original or a 
new position. You can also rearrange Columns on the 
fly while you are working in List View.

rearrange your columns in List View

There are 2 ways of moving columns in List View:

1. Use your mouse to click a column header and a small 
box appears in the Author column header.
Click that small box, then select a column field from the list. 
Your column selection will be inserted to the left of your 
starting column.

2. Possibly the easiest way of moving columns in List View 
is to click and drag the column to its new position.

how to click and drag a column

Position your cursor over one of the column headers then 
click on your left mouse key - this is the usual key you 
normally use - and continue to hold it down while you 
move your mouse to the right or left - the column will 
move in the direction you move your mouse.  Move 
columns at will and anytime.

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Last Modified:  March 31, 2013