Prefix Code Summary
NOTE: The explanations refer to the old Interloc system.
NOTE 2: BookTrakker UIEE upload files do not contain any header information.
If you are using the UIEE files for your own web site then you may not want to put all the extra fields into Notes. We do this because the online services usually have only limited fields to use, so most of the data gets mapped into Notes.
BookTrakker uploads files using the .txt extension, such as Upload_1.txt
There is no header information in the upload file; it starts
out with the UIEE record right at the top of the file. There is a line between
The following summary describes the various prefix codes used in UIEE files. Codes are listed in alphabetical order.
AA - Author (128 chars). This code applies to both importing and uploading records. Information preceded by the AA prefix is mapped directly to/from the Author field. Author in BookTrakker.
AI - Illustrator (50 chars). This code applies to both importing and uploading records. Information preceded by the AI prefix is mapped directly to/from the Illustrator field. Illustrator in BookTrakker
BD - Binding (50 chars). This code applies to both importing and uploading records. Information preceded by the BD prefix is mapped directly to/from the Binding field. Cover and/or Type in BookTrakker
BN - ISBN (15 chars) Not Used, see NC field.
CA - Category. (50 chars). Indicates what Categories the user wants this record to be placed in. Categories names are under the user’s control. Categories are Hit Lists in BookTrakker. The UIEE file allows for multiple Categories, all starting with CA|
CN - Condition (32767 chars).This code applies to both importing and uploading records. Information preceded by the CN prefix is mapped directly to/from the Condition field. Note that a feature in the UIEE import facility allows you to transpose Comments into Condition if desired. Book/DJ and/or Defects in BookTrakker
CO - Copies (10 chars) Number of copies. Quantity in BookTrakker
DP - Date Published (50 chars). This code applies to both importing and uploading records. Information preceded by the DP prefix is mapped directly to/from the Date Pub field. Date in BookTrakker
ED - Edition (50 chars). This code applies to both importing and uploading records. Information preceded by the ED prefix is mapped directly to/from the Edition field. Edition in BookTrakker.
FP - Shipping (15 chars) A new field added 8/28/2005. Fixed shipping. Media Mail shipping from the S&H field on the Prices tab in BookTrakker. Also used for zShops Media Mail shipping. Uploads automatically to zShops.
IM - Image URL (255 chars) URL pointing to an image of the book. This may be listed twice. Image URL in BookTrakker
KE - Keywords (50 chars). There can be up to nine keywords in each record, both in your own database and on-line. Keywords must be individually preceded by separate prefix codes - you cannot put them all on the same line. Main Topic (described below) is treated as a keyword in the on-line databases for searching/matching purposes. Keywords in BookTrakker
LG - Language (50 chars) A new field added 8/28/2005. Used for what Language the book is written in.
LO - Location (100 characters) Location of the book in the Seller's collection, same as Shelved in BookTrakker. (Was SH)
MT - Main Topic (50 chars). This code applies to both importing and uploading records. When importing, information preceded by the MT prefix is mapped directly to the Main Topic field. When uploading, Main Topic is treated as a keyword (see Record Field Summary for additional information). Topic in BookTrakker
- Comments (128 chars). Used for ISBN, for the most
part. ISBN in BookTrakker.
NT - Notes (32767 chars). This code applies to both importing and uploading records. Information preceded by the NT prefix is mapped directly to/from the Notes field. Any of multiple fields in BookTrakker
PP - Place Published (100 chars). This code applies to both importing and uploading records. Information preceded by the PP prefix is mapped directly to/from the Place Published field. Place in BookTrakker
PR - Price (20 numeric chars). This code applies to both importing and uploading records. Information preceded by the PR prefix is mapped directly to/from the Price field. Note that Price is a required field for Inventory records. Any of three prices in BookTrakker
PU - Publisher (100 chars). This code applies to both importing and uploading records. Information preceded by the PU prefix is mapped directly to/from the Publisher field. Publisher in BookTrakker
SM - Shipping Multiplier (5 chars) Not yet used, waiting for ABE to include this in their database.
TI - Title (510 Chars). This code applies to both importing and uploading records. Information preceded by the TI prefix is mapped directly to/from the Title field. Title/Subtitle in BookTrakker.
TP - Type/Size.(50 chars). Size of the book. Generally not used in BookTrakker UIEE, but available if user wants to. Size in BookTrakker
UR - Record Number (50 chars). This code designates the User Record Number, which the on-line system uses to distinguish one record from another in your account. If you are uploading an External UIEE File, you must include the UR code in each record. No spaces or punctuation are allowed. Record Number or Record Code in BookTrakker, depending on type of number used. Numeric or alpha-numeric.
WT - Weight (50 chars) A new field added 8/28/2005. The weight of the book expressed in pounds or grams.
Listing Codes
Listing Codes tell the on-line system what to do with your uploaded records when they are received. Although there are only two codes that must be explicitly selected when performing data entry (Action and Family), all four codes must be included in a UIEE record. BookTrakker includes the Lifespan and Database codes automatically when uploading from the BookTrakker database. The following summarizes the required listing codes:
XA - Lifespan Code: This code is currently disabled, but is required nonetheless. The standard code that should be included in all records is XA|4.
XB - Action Code: This tells the on-line system the action to take when your record is received, and gives you a visual indication within the record itself of the record's working status. Action codes also appear in the Inventory List, Wants List, and Record Queue for quick reference. The prefix must be followed by a single digit, as follows:
1 - For Sale: This is the normal (default) code. It simply indicates the record will either be treated as a new or replacement record when it is uploaded.
2 - Sold: Remove: This code removes the record from the on-line For-Sale database..
5 - Special, Auction, Missing. Book is to be removed from online database.
7 - On Hold: Indicates you have a buyer but have not yet consummated the transaction. It removes the listing.
Any number after XB other than 1
is cause to remove the book from listing!
XC - Family Code: The Family Code tells the on-line system the broad classification under which the records falls. This code is used primarily for on-line searches to limit results to specific types of materials. The prefix must be followed by a two-character code, as follows:
BO - Books: General
XD - Database Code: The Database Code tells the On-Line System in which database to store the uploaded record. The prefix must be followed by a single character, as follows:
S - For-Sale Database
W - Wants Database
TI|TITLE Subtitle
CN|Very Good in Very Good dust jacket; Defects
AI|Illustrated by Illustrator
DP|Date 3005
ED|2nd Revised and Enlarged German Edition;
First Printing
NT|Features; Trade PB; Illus. Type; Size;
Pages pages; Notes; Signed
NT|by Author & Illustrator
KE|Keyword 1
KE|Keyword 2
KE|Keyword 3
KE|Keyword 4
KE|Keyword 5
KE|Keyword 6
KE|Keyword 7
KE|Keyword 8
KE|Keyword 9
recommended wrap length is 80 characters, but it can occur at any desired line
length. Wrapping should always occur at the point a space character (ASCII 32)
appears in the text. If no space character is present, the line should not be
wrapped. For translation purposes if data continues to the next line there will
always be a space at the end of each line.