Instructions for Ebay
To avoid high listing fees you need to get at least an Ebay Basic Store:
An Ebay Basic Store plus Managed Payments means you can list up to 10,000
books without paying monthly listing fees:
Before doing your
first upload of one record to Ebay do your upload to all other services to clear
the database of records set for upload.
1. Register
BookTrakker with Ebay.
Open App
Manager, click the Online Seller Account Registration button, lower left corner.
ebay Seller Account Registration button. Follow the directions.
After registration
you will have to import Ebay categories, this will popup:
Let it finish. If you do not get the Importing Ebay Categories then look for the Import Ebay Categories button at the bottom of the Utilities tab in App Manager, click it to do the import. Wait. May take a while.
2. Subscribe to our Image Management/Hosting.
Images are required for ebay uploads from BookTrakker,
and we only support our hosting for Ebay.
App Manager,
Optional Apps:
This will create a
folder on our server for your images. Please refer to this page for more info on
managing images:
In BookTrakker click
Online, then click ImageIt button, top left. When ImageIt opens, click the
Update Image URLs button to convert all of your existing images to the URL for
our online hosting service, in the ImgURL field on the Optional tab in
3. Setup Managed
Payments on Ebay:
The page is an information page only.
Existing Ebay sellers: Once you have added at least one listing via upload or manually on the site Ebay will email you an invitation to join, with a link to click to go to the signup page on Ebay.
For new Ebay sellers: With the updated systems eBay will actually route the new member automatically to the seller verification page for Managed Payments. Verifying Managed Payments is part of the Ebay application process.
If neither of these processes work then go here: and scroll down to the bottom of the page to request more assistance. Ebay has Chat during normal business hours.
4. Setup Business
Policies on Ebay:
A review of what Ebay Business Policies mean:
Ebay Business Polices Explained
BookTrakker requires
three Business Policies: Shipping, Payment and Returns.
5. Setup Default
Settings in BookTrakker.
Tools > Options >
A: Shipping
defaults if you do not control shipping via a Business Policy on Ebay. Click the
dropdowns, select what you want for default shipping and Cost.
If you do use Business Policies on Ebay then check Use Default Shipping checkbox under the Payment Instructions field.
Copy in the exact names of the policies on
Ebay into their respective fields on this form. There is a green button below<br>where you can connect directly to the Business Policies page.
B: Listing Options
Defaults. Item Description File, BT Catalog, Category.
Item Description is the content at the bottom of each listing that has all of
your terms and whatnot, plus your item description, which is controlled by the
Catalog. For those who are computer challenged, the easiest way to do this is to select an Item Description
File from the dropdown, then click on Ebay HTML, then fill in one or more of the
Captions and/or Body field, then click the Save and Close button at the bottom:
(example is what I use for Ebay, see:
You can test what it
looks like with an upload, if you don't like the formatting, pick another Ebay
Template File below, same Caption data, then click Save and Close.
BT Catalog is a
Catalog definition found in BookTrakker. Catalogs tab, left bottom. New users
have a Default catalog named Ebay, with formatting. For legacy users who have
not done a Catalog before, you can select one of the two Catalogs that shipped
with BookTrakker originally, Invoice or List View, then experiment from there.
Catalogs have Help in BookTrakker. Click Help at the top, then click on the
Catalogs topic in the big window.
Category is the Ebay
Category you see at the top of every listing on Ebay. I use Nonfiction since
that's what most of my books are, I can change that on an individual record
Close Ebay Options.
6. Language.
Ebay now requires Language. BookTrakker uses the Language field on the amazon
tab on a per record basis. If that is not filled in, and you want to use a
default language, such as English, then set English as the default Language in
Tools > Options > Amazon > Language. BookTrakker will use this if the Language
field on the Amazon tab is empty.
7. Custom Label (SKU)
If you have
listings on Ebay already, and you used the SKU in BookTrakker for the Custom
Label in your Ebay listing:
Then you can click
the Reconcile Ebay records button in Tools > Options > Ebay:
To download the
ItemID’s from Ebay into BookTrakker. This is a long, slow process, depending on
how many listings you have on Ebay.
Before doing your
first upload of one record to Ebay do your upload to all other services to clear
the database of records set for upload.
8. Inventory Records
Inventory, pick a record you want to upload to Ebay, click Edit Record, set the
Ebay Price at the bottom of the Prices tab, make sure you have an image on the
Scan Image button to the right of the Price fields. Then click the Ebay tab,
that will set this record for Upload by checking List on Ebay on the left side
of the tab. Verify the contents on the right are correct. If you want a Custom
Title then fill that out, limited to 80 characters.
Click Done.
Click Online. Select
the Ebay service so the row is highlighted. Click the middle button, Process and
Upload to One Selected Service.
Wait. When the
upload is done you can go back to this record in Inventory, click the Ebay tab,
then click on the ItemID to copy it. The go here:
and paste in the ItemID after the last slash /. Press enter on your keyboard to
see your new listing.