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Readerware & Tab Delimited Instructions for BookTrakker

Tab Delimited import (Alibris or other) starting with Steps 8 through 27.

1. With Readerware open, do File > Export
2. Select Tab Delimited from the Format dropdown list. 

Click Next.
3. Set filename and Path. I would recommend C:\BTPro\Transfer\RWExport.txt 

The default filename will have a .tab extension, this should be changed to .txt so BookTrakker can find the file. 

Click Next

4. Select books to export. 

Click Next.

5. Make your Column (Field) selection. Doubleclick on each field selection to include in the Export file. Green 's mean Yes, red X's mean No. 

(be sure to read Warning that follows), then Click Next.

WARNING: Do not export fields at the end of a record that are not going to contain text. For example, do not include Author2 or Author3 UNLESS all records have data in Author2 or Author3. Otherwise the export file can contain empty data at the end of a row, and BookTrakker fails on this. It generates an error message: "No current Record" (This generally happens when the last record in the file has empty fields at the end of the record.)
6. Click Next. Review your selection.

 Click Next to Export. 

7. Close Readerware.
Open BookTrakker. Start here for Tab Delimited import if you are not using Readerware.

If you are importing from Alibris, using BookTrakker 3.3 or later, then request a tab delimited file, no headers. 
8. Select File->Import from the BookTrakker menu (upper left).

File > Import > Standard if you are using 3.1 or later.
9. Click on the format drop down list, should currently say Interloc, pick "Tab delimited".
10. Click on the yellow folder button to the right of the File Name: field and find the file you exported from Readerware or some other program as a .txt file. Make sure the filename and path does not exceed the field length displayed. If it does, then BookTrakker will not be able to find the file. (this only applies to 2.1 or earlier)
11. Click on List Import Fields button. 
12. In Import fields dialog click on "Fill field names using the first record" button.
13. A list of field numbers/field names should appear. These are the fields you exported from Readerware or some other program. You will also see examples of the data in these fields to the right of each field name, BookTrakker displays the first 2 and last 3 records. Decide what fields are important and what are not, for the next step.
14. Close the dialog, click on the X in the top right hand corner of the window.
15. Click on the Map Import Fields button. 
15a. If you are using BookTrakker 3.3 or later, and doing an Alibris import, then click the Load button on the right, select Alibris from the list (the > should be pointing to it) and click Accept. Then, and this is Critical, click in the top field on the dropdown button for the BookTrakker column where it says Book_ID and change to Record_Code. Go to to Step 25.
16. A table with 4 columns appears, the first column has an asterisk in it.
17. Click on the generic field column next to the asterisk. A drop down list appears, click on the arrow and you should see all the Readerware or other program column names again. Select Author or whatever your first filed is. If you named your fields to match what BookTrakker has in its database then they will map automatically.
18. Click in the BookTrakker column for the same row, drop down the list and select the appropriate BookTrakker column name, i.e. Author.
19. Repeat these steps until you have mapped all columns that have useful information in them. 

***NOTE: Map PubDate in Readerware or Date from your source file into DateAlpha in BookTrakker.

***NOTE: Very Important! 

Title in the BookTrakker column MUST be displayed as Title, NOT TITLE. If left as default TITLE then you will not be able to search by Title after the import.

***NOTE: Critical Change.

Map your SKU or Record Number into Record_Code. DO NOT map into Book_ID. Record_Code is near the bottom of the list of BookTrakker fields.

Some of the Readerware or your other program output may be meaningless or may not map well into BookTrakker, as described above. These fields do not need to be mapped in.

20. Keep clicking on the asterisk row to add new mappings.
21. If this is the only import you are going to do, then close this form by clicking the X in the upper right corner. BookTrakker will remember the mapping so you won't have to do this for every import.
22. If you are importing from a tab delimited file to ADD records to BookTrakker from another source other than Readerware then map the BookID field into one of the User fields, like Field 1. DO NOT map into BookTrakker's Book_ID field.
23. If you are going to have multiple import mapping definitions from Readerware then you need to save them.
24. Click on Save and give it a file name, maybe RWMapping, click Accept. Close the dialog box.
25. Click on the Start button. The first record appears. Check to see that all information is present and accounted for and went into the correct field. If all looks well, then click Finish. If not, then click Cancel, make any changes needed to mapping, then click the Start button again. Click Finish if everything looks OK.
A yellow line flashes past.
Click on Close.
A dialog pops up saying you must restart BookTrakker. Click OK.
26. Close the import form.
25. A message will appear, asking you to restart BookTrakker. Click OK.
27. Another message box will appear, asking you if you want to have BookTrakker set the Amazon condition fields on the Amazon tab based on the Book field in Inventory. 

If you are importing for the first time, and have Book/DJ information in the Book/DJ fields, then click Yes.

If you are importing from Readerware, using Readerware for ISBN lookup, then click No.
28. Close BookTrakker
29. Restart BookTrakker
30. Review your data. Make sure you set List Online on the Keywords Tab to Yes, if you want these records uploaded.

To do this, click the Hit List tab on the left. Click New, then OK. Click into the Search Field and select Status. Click Execute. Verify the number of results in the Navigation bar at the bottom. If correct, click the Hit Lists tab, left side, again. Click the Action tab, upper right. Click List Online on the left. Click the Execute button. Confirm. 

Your Available records are set to upload. Click the red Hit List button at the top to get out of Hit List mode.

If you cancelled any part of an import then you will need to edit any records imported before the Cancel, or you will end up with duplicate records.
For future exports from Readerware you do not need to export Field names (headers) if you plan on using the same fields over and over. This will simplify the export/import process.
To delete the Headers in future Exports in Readerware 
1. Select Edit > Preferences > Export
2. Under Export Options uncheck Output header line. Click OK.
end of instructions