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OneClick Upload   |   Online Bookselling Services List

OneClick Upload 

Use BookTrakker for OneClick Uploads to over 25 Predefined Online Bookselling Services.

Add any number of custom sites as long as they allow for FTP data uploading.

Upload files are either UIEE or the Amazon tab delimited files. See below for Amazon.

Use BookTrakker to create UIEE files for those Services that do not accept OneClick Uploads.

Online Bookselling Services List




BookTrakker uploads files in Amazon's tab-delimited upload format including choices such as New, Used or Collectable, Marketplace, or CA & UK, per book. European Sellers who list on Amazon.co.uk and also list on some or all of the other European Amazon sites can do so via an Amazon European Marketplaces Account.


  BookTrakker creates upload files in UIEE format for uploading to:


BN.com (Barnes & Noble) Plugin free with subscription to Pro or Network.  
sites designed by Bibliopolis 
(can be used with) BookWriter Web  to create static web pages.
other Services that do not accept OneClick Uploads

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